Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Wee Little Update

Too BUSY to post often or much, but I do think an update is in order.

The busyness is packing and organizing and, frankly, nesting. Yes, I've got it bad, and early. I have an almost irresistible urge to start sewing clothes for the baby, which may not be striking unless you know that I am not much of a seamstress. Sure I made some lovely throw pillows, and I can sew a seam by hand with near-machine precision, but that perfectionism actually makes sewing somewhat of a complex predicament for me and I don't think I've ever sewn a garment, other than an apron. Nonetheless, the only thing preventing me from sewing an entire layette is the fact that I have to pack and get us moved!

The loan funds tomorrow, and we should close on Thursday, which means we'll have accomplished our lighting fast 24 day escrow. Big fun! The hubby has his marching orders (from me) and is all prepped to start painting this weekend, after which we'll be laying down the new floors and setting up camp. Don't tell him, but I have planned a little Valentine's day floor picnic in front of our new fireplace. I just realized that means I'm planning to eat a meal on the floor with my six-months pregnant tummy in all its glory, and though it might be a challenge, its doable thanks to prenatal yoga. (Thank GOD for prenatal yoga!)

Speaking of tummies, our baby girl, who is yet to be named, is dancing around like a little ballerina and we're about to enter our third trimester. Yes, we can do the math and ascertain that gives me approximately three months to get my new home in order and beautiful, so I have a feeling I'm going to owe my friends and family big time after this spring.

My little boy (now three!) is excited about the new house, his new room, and the "tower." He checks in frequently, asking what the "baby gorl" in my tummy is doing, whether she's sleeping or wiggling, etc.

We're just about as happy as can be, and unfortunately (<---- that's tongue-in-cheek) my happiness is borne of being busy, leaving very little time for writing, painting, etc. But its been nice to visit with you, and I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it all just so lovely?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your new banner!

Simply4Shanna said...

That is all so cool! Congrats on your newest tummy tickler! I cant wait to hear more about her. Good luck with the house! That is so cool and wonderful!!!

You can call me Betty

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Modesto, California, United States
I believe in God and truth and beauty and love. I dance in my kitchen and cry while I do the dishes.