Saturday, March 31, 2012
A long time gone
It has been a year since my last post. The worst year of my life. Maybe the best too. Time will tell I suppose.
My marriage ended. That's the short of it. The long of it is too much to bear, and to much to bare. I have spent months wanting to write, but not being able to bring myself to remove the word "wife" from my profile-- because I don't feel single. Single feels like 20, no kids, no mortgage, no worries, and here I am pushing 30, two beautiful babies stuck in this hell that is divorce, a mortgage I can't even dream of paying and more worries than I even knew existed when I was 20. Or 27. But life changes fast.
I am endlessly blessed. I won't pretend I'm any less, it would be unfair to my family, friends, children, my God. I have been supported, lifted up, cheered up, and blessed beyond measure.
And yet.
It's a new chapter. I am nobody's wife. That still seems strange, even though I haven't really had a husband for quite sometime. The concept still stuns me and makes me a little sad, a little disoriented, but it also means I get to figure out who I am again. And at 29, it is...different.
I am a mother. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a friend, although I have not done those things the justice in the last year that they deserve. Who I am, in relationship to the people I love, gives me a focal point, a point of reference, an effulgent constellation of guiding stars, giving me the rest of the sky in which to stage my next act.
We'll call it "The Phoenix."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's day!
I've done it before, but I feel I must once again bless you with a little traditional Irish blessing.
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of your hands.
Eirinn go brach!
I think I'm going to go take some pictures of my little leprechaun babies for you to see. Because, frankly, mine are the cutest around.
Monday, November 29, 2010
4th Annual Artsy Girls Christmas Boutique

Please join me December 4th and 5th from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at my home. Drop in any time to shop for charmingly displayed handmade and vintage goods from an ever-growing roster of artsy girls, {and this year: guys!} including:
Soldered charms, hand tied pearls and other jewelry by Debbi Greenlee
Beaded jewelry by Carli H
Various handmade goodies by Nancy J
Sculptural hair bows by Jill T
Refinished vintage furniture by Juls {Her Royal Highness}
Painted items by Nichole {The Painted Nursery}
Scarves, felt plushies and upcycled kids' clothes by Ellice D
Vintage inspired jewelry by Sandie D
Hair flowers and baby lovelies by April W {Maggie and Beatrice}
Vintage finds from Amy V {Beloved Bag Lady}
Gourmet fudge by Elizabeth G
Delicious cookies and confections by Tasha S and Laura F
Jewelry and handmade cards and stationery items from Tamberly H
Crocheted goodies by Renee G
Baby accessories by Melissa D {Prissy Lissy Designs}
Goat's milk soap by Shane and Catherine
Re-purposed vintage windows by Danielle B {A Vintage View}
Yoga mats and bags by Katelyn H {Yogadivas}
Felted animals, nativities and other baby goodies by Robin R
Handmade dolls and aprons (and matching aprons for the dolls!)
Original artwork from Aaron V
Folk/pop art and vintage treasures from yours truly {BettyHarry}
and more..... yes, its an incomplete list, even at this length!
Truly, this will be a chance to find the unique and unexpected for yourself and the folks on your Christmas list.
2225 Ryanlee Drive, Riverbank, CA 95367
On Facebook: Elizabeth Greenlee Harrison
Friday, September 3, 2010
Book Review: Arabella
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Like many Austenites, I often lament, nay, mourn the fact that there are such a small number of her novels to read and reread and rereread but Georgette Heyer is balm for that particular wound. This "regency romance," written in the first half of the twentieth century by a scholar of the era feels authentic and well-researched with nicely developed characters and plot. There are more colloquialisms than Austen would dare to employ and a mention of "paphians" {regency slang for hookers...*gasp*!!} which our darling Jane would never admit to one of her masterpieces, but it is in passing, and still maintains the innocence, gallantry and beauty Austen fans crave. Great story, romantic yet principled leading man. Easy, breezy, satisfying read.
View all my reviews
Book Review: Eat Pray Love
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Alternately soul-searching and shallow, Eat Pray Love may be the ultimate "finding yourself" book for those who don't want to look too hard. It is an enjoyable read, with some excellent lessons and a beautiful sense of setting, but there is no there there, if you know what I mean. Touching, tear-invoking, occasionally thought-provoking...sweet and light. Worth the read, but not worth the Gospel for Women following it has received.
View all my reviews
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Cozy Little Nest
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
On the Mend
I had such plans for last week. I had spring cleaning to do, art in my heart and blogs on my mind. And then there's the fact that I was three-weeks into a new work-out routine that had actually started to yield results. That was the kiss of death, I suppose. That sort of thing always seems to get derailed.
And so it was. Early Monday evening {after a good long workout and a healthy and delicious dinner, mind you} I slipped in the shower. We're not talking about a dainty little fall. I mean a catastrophic, feet out from under you, fall forward with no hope of catching yourself, lucky I still have my teeth, blood in the bathtub kind of slip.
Thank God my brave little four-year-old superhero heard me and went to fetch his Daddy, who was working in the front yard. In a flash, my grown-up superhero was assessing me for compound fractures and head-injuries before TRULY heroically picking up my dead weight and moving me to the bed.
What ensued is an embarrassing story of the call to my parents, the ER visit, the x-rays, the doctor visits, and the days of pain-medicine and pain induced stupor relying utterly on my husband and parents and super-duper-helper-boy, and of course, my daughter's comic relief.
To make a long story even longer, I still hurt everywhere, but it's more like the soreness that follows a couple days after a major workout, and that I can handle. The real problem is what happens to the home of two adults {one helpless and one male}, two small children and one very mischievous dog when the mom takes the week off to lick her wounds.
Factoring in my parental duties, my achin' body and the state of the mess, I should have the house clean in.... hmmm, square root of pi, carry the four....
Approximately 25 years.
Wish me luck.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Mad About Alice Party
And then invigorated.
And then....

by the end result.

Born of my fascination with the iconography of Wonderland...
The Top Hat, The Hearts...
The Watches, The Keys...
Even the color scheme is iconic

Then of course, there are the teapots and teacups, the rabbits, the crowns and the language.... oh the language. {"Curiouser," "muchness" and so many more... an embarassment of riches for a word-lover}
If that isn't much more muchier than a plain white pair of busts... well then I'm madder than the Hatter. And if that's the case, well, I'm okay with that. All the best people are.
Check out the other partygoers and the hostess with the mostess at The French Cupboard.
Enjoy the party, have a cup of tea, and show us your best Futterwacken.
By the way, you can find these lovelies and much more in my etsy shop, with more altered busts and art on its way.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A work in progress
What started out as this...
And the same method resulted in these
signs for my mom's pearl stringing demonstration at the Gem and Mineral Show.
It was a good day for making messes, making art, making memories and crawling into drawers.
And that was just Day One...
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010
The Deep End

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009
Artsy Girls Boutique

November means a few things in the Nevertheless household: fires in the fireplace, the procrastination of Christmas shopping begins {early, I might add}, the crock pot comes out {and usually stays out until roughly the Ides of March} and I get to dig my chunky boots out of the black hole -- er, closet. But the most prominent sign of Novemberism is the exponential multiplication of art supplies taking over every hospitable surface. Tables, counter tops, windowsills... nothing is safe.
Do I feel guilty for giving my house the mad-crafter's treatment every fall? Not a bit, because come the first week of December, the surfaces, walls, windows, floors and doors are given the type of cleaning Alison May would approve of {although she'd probably recommend I did it more regularly, sorry friend} in preparation for my annual Christmas Boutique, lovingly and accidentally named the "Artsy Girls" Boutique & art and craft sale.
For those of you within shopping distance, the event will take place at my home all dressed up in her party clothes on December 5th and 6th from 9 a.m. until people stop coming or we run out of mulled cider and homemade snickerdoodles {see what I did just there, trying to entice you with sugary deliciousness?}.
Tomorrow, a list of etsy pages and blogs where you can preview a few of the items we'll have, but us craftswomen are still a-crafting, so who knows what wonders you'll find. What I do know for now is that there will be handcrafted jewelry, in multiple styles by multiple artists, original artwork by yours truly {but who are we kidding, it will ALL be original artwork}, Christmas decor, children's and baby items, wearables and other various giftables and-oh-yes-did-I-mention mulled cider and homemade snickerdoodles?
Buy handmade. Support craftswomen. Enjoy cookies.
Leave a comment or send me a message if you'd like to be on my email list, for all the pertinent info, like for instance, the address where the boutique will be held but which, for obvious reasons I prefer not to post.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A new day, a new adventure
Lamb&Rose should be up and running in the next few days if I can see my way through the must-do's at home. It is my real baby, where I will feature my own art and handpainted whatnots, with a vision towards whimsical fare that may be most at home in children's rooms and homes with a sense of childlike wonder, at least for now. Since it is the work of my own hands and mind, it is likely to change with my mood, but that's the mood I'm in right now.
Friday, September 25, 2009
A good bit of advice, methinks.
--discovered while researching quotations for needlepoint.